Our Mission and Philosophy

The Prime Math Competition began during the 2023-2024 school year as the Panther Math Competition. Although we have since changed our name to the current one to better reflect our growing reach and participant base, our foundational values and goals remain the same. They can be explained by our answers to the following questions.

Why Math?

All subjects and fields of human knowledge can generally be traced back to derive in some way or form, from logic and reason. Mathematics possess a unique position among these subjects as being one of those that sits closest to these foundational elements. As a result, it provides one of the best frameworks within which one can test their own reasoning and creative problem solving skills, traits that are useful in applications that extend far beyond what is generally considered to be part of mathematics. Further, the field has a special elegence that we believe is worth experiencing. We hope that by showing this side of mathematics to young students, we can develop a love of problem solving in them that will be key going forward as they begin to tackle the issues of tomorrow.

Why Compete?

Why does a program that aims to foster a love of mathematics in students need to be framed as a competition? Well, the main benefit of hosting this event in a competition format is that competitions bring out the best performances out of everyone. Competitions allow individuals to challenge themselves, which is fundemental in developing both interest and proficency in a field

Consider the following: would a jigsaw puzzle be any fun if it had only 12 pieces and came with a manual of how to assemble it? Would completing such a puzzle really help you tackle larger jigsaw puzzles? The answer to both of these questions is clearly no, and similar logic can be used to show that a simple and straightforward exam would be ineffective as well. On the opposite end of the difficulty spectrum, a jigsaw puzzle that consisted of 10,000 pieces that were all colored white would likely be extremely frustrating to complete. Likewise, a competition that was far beyond the level of its participants would also fail to spark interest. 

To achieve satisfactory results – in which a participant hopefully becomes engrossed in the competition to the point that time begins to fly by – a competition must be well-designed to be at a difficultly level that is at or just slightly above the skill level of its participants. If this is done, then the competitors will experience the same feeling that one gets when they work on a jigsaw puzzle that is of the right size and difficulty for them – they become fascinated and put as much time into it as is necessary to complete it as they always feel as if the solution is just around the corner. By splitting the competition into different divisions that are aligned with Common Core and ISD standards, the Prime Math Competition hopes to be designed in a way that allows competitors to reach the aforementioned feeling of satisfaction.

Why Another Competition?

There’s a lot of different math competitions out there from the AMCs to MATHCOUNTS – more than one can easily name! So why is another one needed? Well, the Prime Math Competition aims to be specialized for the ISD and ISD students in particular. We believe that this is necessary so that all competitors can experience mathematics at a level that is right for them. We have done this by aligning the competition’s problems with ISD and Common Core math standards. Further, the competition is free and integrated into a normal school day to increase accesibility for students. Finally, we wish to recognize more than just the winners of the comeptition for their achievement with handsome rewards, because we believe that all students work diligently and each one deserves to be appreciated for performing to the best of their own abilities.

Ultimately, the point of the competition is not to exhalt a winner, but to allow our participants to experience math in a more unique and creative way than might be possible in the everyday classroom.