The Competition

Basic Format

The Prime Math Competition is an individual exam for middle schoolers in the ISD that participants will have 40 minutes to complete. The competition will consist of 20 problems that cover material dependent on a participant’s division (more about divisions below). The numerical answer to each problem must be written in the blank provided. Each problem solved correctly will earn 1 point, and blank or incorrect answers will recieve 0 points. There is no penalty for guessing.


Divisions are a way of seperating partipants into competitive groups to ensure participants get to test themselves against simularly skilled peers and so that they can experience the competition at a mathematical level that is appropriate for them. It is a system that is somewhat unique to the Prime Math Competition. Divisions are based on math levels and participants should sign up for the division that contains the math class that they are currently taking. For example, a student in CC 7 should sign up for Divsision II. There are 4 Divisions in total and the math levels that each contains can be seen down below.

Division I

Math 1 and Math 1/2

Division II

CC 7 and CC 7/8

Division III

CC 8 and CC Algebra I

Division IV

CC Geometry and Higher (Algebra 2, Precalculus, etc.)

Prizes and Awards

It’s now time to get to some of the fun stuff: rewards. The Prime Math Competition aims to handsomely reward all competitors for their performance, and thus there are many possible prizes for participants to win. First of all, all students that participate in the competition will recieve a Certificate of Participation for their hard work. Secondly, all participants that get above a certain cutoff score will recieve a Honorable Mention Certificate. This cutoff score can vary, but will likely be around the top 40% score. Further, the top 3 students in each division for each participating middle school will recieve medals and donuts depending on what position they recieve.

  • 1st Place: 1/2 Dozen Donuts and a Gold Medal

  • 2nd Place: 1/3 Dozen Donuts and a Silver Medal

  • 3rd Place: 1/6 Dozen Donuts and a Bronze Medal

Finally, the overall winner of each division will recieve an additional Winner’s Trophy.

Rules and Procedures in Detail

For those of you who would like to have a more in depth explaination of the rules and workings of the competition, download the following document. This document also contains important information regarding the forms of answers accepted on the Prime Math Competition.

Interested? Click the button down below to Register!